Here is Kaitlyn Leeb in full costume as the 3-Breasted Hooker from the new "Total Recall" movie at a promotional events. And she is showing a lot of cleavage in the new movie as well as at the event but none of it is her own. Kaitlyn Leeb has become a star overnight, compliments of the prosthetic device worn at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con event. But she really want you to know she doesn't really have three breasts. The Canadian actress says the boobs on the "three-breasted mutant prostitute" costume are fake. The problem is the prosthetic boobs look so realistic many people at the Comic-Con event thought she really had 3 breasts. It is hard to believe, but there were actually people at Comic-Con who thought that the boobs on the actress playing the role of a three-breasted prostitute in the upcoming "Total Recall" remake were real. And that she had plastic surgery to look like that to get the role. Kaitlyn Leeb, in a last-ditch effort to clarify the costume, told the media this a few days after the event:
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"There were a bunch of people at Comic Con asking if I had surgery for the third one. Others thought that the two on the side were real. I guess that’s the one thing that bothers me the most is that they think I’m out there prancing around Comic Con with my breasts out. They really are not mine. I'm more covered than I am at a day-to-day basis."
While Kaitlyn Leeb was largely unknown before her "Total Recall" promotion appearance at Comic-Con, she has the three-breasted mutant prostitute costume to thank for her overnight stardom. Many people seem to have forgot that Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel also starred in the film. Kaitlyn Leeb is now a sensation on the Internet and she is making headlines in newspapers around the world. "It feels amazing that you're recognized," Kaitlyn told a Canadian newspaper, the Toronto Sun. "It's surreal, the past couple of days. It's all new and exciting."
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And this is what Kaitlyn Leeb really look like minus the third boob:
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